2019年6月6日,苏富比纽约Important Jewels(珍贵珠宝)拍卖落锤,共成8,490,625美元,相当于58,709,276人民币。
TOP1 祖母绿钻石戒指
- 估价:125,000-175,000 USD;成交价:162,500 USD
- 品牌:海瑞温斯顿
- 祖母绿:39.01ct,鲜艳的偏蓝绿色,中等含量包裹体,放大观察可见腰部两处小的痕迹。
- 参考资料:The emerald is very strongly bluish green, vividly colored, and moderately included, with two small chips to the girdle edge visible under close inspection, and some small surface reaching inclusions on table facets visible under magnification.
TOP2 祖母绿钻石戒指
- 估价:25,000 — 35,000 USD;成交价:106,250 USD
- 祖母绿:2.50ct,轻微偏蓝的绿色,中等深度的色调,非常强的饱和度,非常少量的包裹体,少量刻面交线处有微小的痕迹。
- 参考资料:The emerald is slightly bluish green in hue, medium deep in tone, very strongly saturated; very slightly included with minute nicks in a few facet junctions.
TOP3 祖母绿钻石戒指
- 估价:40,000 — 60,000 USD;成交价:100,000 USD
- 祖母绿:9.80ct,饱和度非常高的轻微偏蓝的绿色,轻微到中等含量的包裹体,且包裹体呈典型的分散分布。火彩好。据AGL报告,祖母绿为哥伦比亚产地,微油。
- 参考资料:The emerald is a richly saturated medium slightly bluish green color, slightly to moderately included with typical scattered inclusions, bright and lively. Accompanied by AGL report no. 1100108 dated April 12, 2019 stating that the emerald is of Colombian origin, clarity enhancement: minor, type: traditional.
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